The small group context provides an ideal atmosphere for “spiritual growth” among people who truly care for each other. Everyone has something they can contribute and we should all strive to “encourage one another, and build each other up” in love. Though each group has its own format, most groups include a social time, group discussion, and prayer. Some groups meet at church before the Sunday morning service, while others meet in various locations, like houses and diners, throughout the week. LIFE groups provide an opportunity to Live In Fellowship Everyday and are a great venue to introduce people to Jesus and our church community.
For a full and concise list of our LIFE groups, view the following PDF:
Wednesday Morning Men’s Bible Study
WHEN: Wednesday mornings 7:30-9AM
WHERE: At Pinehurst Senior Living in Lima, NY
WHAT: This group studies through various books of the Bible
WHO: Led by Leet Smith smithleet@aol.com
Friday Morning Prayer & Breakfast
WHEN: 6:30-7:30AM
WHERE: Crossroads Church Sanctuary
WHAT: Prayer followed by breakfast at the Lima Diner. This group runs all year.
WHO: This group does not have a specific leader
Ladies’ Group
WHEN: Sunday mornings 9:00-9:45am
WHERE: Crossroads Church Library
WHAT: The ladies’ class studies various books of the Bible and topical studies
WHO: Group coordinator, Jeanie Kawski, can be reached at kawsks@aol.com
Thursday Morning Ladies Group
WHEN: Thursdays 9:30AM-Noon
WHERE: Stephanie Schwing’s residence
WHAT: A Bible Study whos target audience is older women
WHO: Led and hosted by Stephanie Schwing sjschwing@yahoo.com, (585) 624 – 5753
Healing Journey
This group is not currently meeting: please contact Shirley Dewey deweybears@gmail.com, (585) 704-4606 if you are interested in more information.
Biblical Foundations
WHEN: Sunday mornings 9 – 9:45AM
WHERE: Room 44
WHAT: A study through various books of the Bible
WHO: Rick Panipinto leads this group sandyandrick@frontiernet.net
Pursuit Youth Group
WHEN: Sunday evenings at 6-8PM
WHERE: Crossroads Church
WHAT: A study on various Biblical Topics for 6th-12th graders
WHO: Fernando Caballero is leading this group fcaballero@limachristian.org
Mid-week Virtual Prayer Meeting
WHEN: Wednesday mornings at 8:15AM
WHERE: Virtually
WHAT: An opportunity to support our church in prayer even if you cannot leave the house
WHO: Louise Dolliver leads this time of prayer. Contact her at (585) 329-3682 if you are interested in joining or need info.
Wednesday Night Bible Study
WHEN: Wednesday nights at 6PM
WHERE: Crossroads Church
WHAT: A midweek Bible study currently going through the book of Revelation
WHO: Pastor Josh leads this study josh@crossroadschurchny.org
Mid-Week Study
WHEN: Thursday evenings 7-9PM
WHERE: Joe & Stephanie Schwing’s residence
WHAT: An adult group who’s study topic is TBD
WHO: Led and hosted by Joe and Stephanie Schwing (585) 624-5753 jsschwing@yahoo.com
Young Adults
WHEN: Thursday nights at 7PM
WHERE: Crossroads Church Sanctuary
WHAT: A group of young adults age 18+ who study through various books of the Bible
WHO: Zach Legters zlegters@gmail.com and Josh Sonoga josh@crossroadschurchny.org are currently leading this group